Denise Goldberg's blog

Circles, parks, & funny birds
Wandering in Downeast Maine

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Photos: the puffins of Machias Seal Island

A view to the back of "Chief" , our transportation for the day (and yes, that is the name of the boat). Note the serious rain gear of everyone on board. Nice of the fog to obstruct any chance at a view!

A welcome vision after a 21-mile voyage across a surprisingly calm sea and under a very gray, foggy, and sometimes rainy sky - the lighthouse on Machias Seal Island (plus quarters for both the lighthouse crew and the Canada Wildlife personnel).

Note that although this island is disputed territory, that doesn't seem to interfere with visiting the birds. The dispute dates back to the 1782 Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and the United States with both Canada and the United States claiming that agreement placed Machias Seal Island under their control. If you're interested, more information can be found in the paper Machias Seal Island: A Geopolitical Anomaly